In this enriching module, you'll discover profound connections with your animal companions, unlocking a unique language that further deepens your understanding of their intricate health needs. Caroline's expertise guides you through the IMIM techniques providing you with a strong skill set to confidently work with your animals, so that you get the best outcomes. The course has hours of practical video content, ensuring a hands-on and immersive learning experience. Join us on this journey, where theory meets practice, and be empowered.
Flexibility at your fingertips to seamlessly integrate this education into your schedule
Open to all students, no pre-requisites, complete within 3 years after purchase
Learn aromatic ethology - subtle responses to aromatics
Expert guidance every step of the way, helping you to achieve successful outcomes
IMIM mentors from all over the globe, speaking different languages, will help you to refine your practical canine skills if you need help with a dog you are working with
Understand the art and science of self-medication, so you that trust the animal guiding you
Become a valued member of the active IMIM community
Become eligible for the very popular Ingraham app
Receive a Certificate of Completion after successfully mastering Module 1 + 2
If you wish to work with other peoples animals, successful completion of Modules 1 and 2 allow applications to be made for Module 3 which is the professional diploma. This training has a fixed start and end date (for more details click this link).
The 2025 diploma is the last for a while as Caroline will be focusing on further development, research and field work in self-medication.
Lesson 1
The Evolution of Self – Medication
- From Zoopharmacognosy to the Ingraham Method of Innate Medicine (IMIM) techniques: Tracing the Roots of Self-medication. Delve into self-medicative behaviours, and gain profound insights into the origins and terminology that define this fascinating subject.
- Uncover the role that animal self-medication plays in helping us glean valuable lessons from animal behaviours, opening new avenues of understanding and connection with animals. Look into the secondary metabolites: Compounds that underscore natures pharmacy.
- This lesson is an enlightening exploration into self-medication, offering you a deeper appreciation for the intricate ways in which animals navigate their own health and well-being.
Video tutorial, notes and test: Recommended 1 to 2 hours minimum study time.
Lesson 2
Demystifying Self-Medication
- Explore the intriguing world of how animals instinctively know to choose the correct plant remedy to match their condition at their exact dose
- Learn how taste and smell perceptions in animals adapt according to their internal states
Caterpillars giving evidence for innate self-medication
- Learn about theories that have underpinned self-medication
Video tutorial, notes and test: Recommended 1 to 2 hours minimum study time.
Lesson 3
Embark on a captivating journey as we dive into the world of geophagy. Uncover the intriguing reasons why animals, including our closest relatives, may indulge in the consumption of soil or clay deposits.
Prepare to be amazed as we uncover the fascinating relationship between animals and the earth, providing insights that may reshape your understanding of why animals eat soil.
Video tutorial, notes and test: Recommended 30 minutes to 1 hour minimum study time.
Lesson 4
Enzymatic Physiology and Self-Medicative Behaviours
Understand why a species specific diet, influences enzymatic physiology, which in turn impacts how animals select plant extracts, including essential oils. The size of the animal is irrelevant.
Explore the intriguing contrast between two omnivores, and how their distinct dietary influences effect their ability to break down concentrated plant compounds.
Understand how cat enzymatic physiology interacts with essential oils.
As you are guided through this enlightening lesson, you'll also learn the art of tapping into your own sense of smell and taste. This skill will foster a deeper connection with self-medication.
Video tutorial and test: Recommended 1 hour minimum study time.
Lesson 5
Mindfulness involves tuning into your surroundings and embracing the current moment with a clear and focused mind, leaving judgement behind. This is an important skill to develop within the IMIM techniques.
This lesson encourages trust in the IMIM process, in yourself, and most importantly in the animal that is guiding you and their ability to self-medicate.
Understand the importance of being truly present while working with animals, which helps to develop your awareness.
Video tutorial, practise and test: 1 to 2 hours initial study time, but to become part of your ongoing practice.
Lesson 6
Insights on where to start
Often it is difficult to know where to start. This lesson introduces you to the obvious and not so obvious signals and behaviours, given by an animal, that indicate what remedies may be needed to begin the session.
Video tutorial, practise and test: Recommended 1 to 2 hours minimum study time.
The Ingraham Method of Innate Medicine (IMIM). Lessons 7-12 live recorded videos at rescue centres and in home consultations
Video tutorial 4 to 6 hours
Lesson 7
Practical: Working with dogs
This lesson is supported by video clips, showing how to offer essential oils, while explaining behaviours such as trying to burry an oil. Learn how every animal is case sensitive. Understand that breed, enzymatic physiology, health, the severity of the condition and an animals individual gene expression, will influence how a dog or animal works with the remedies.
Learn behaviours and micro signs, understand individual yes and no responses. Know when a session has finished. IMIM techniques involve a keen analysis of body language (different to classical behavioural training), seeking to unravel puzzles by considering various factors, including behavioural clues. Recognise when a dog is working with the vomeronasal organ.
Lesson 8
Practical: Working with cats
- All you need to know about working with essential oils and cats
- How cats communicate what they need.
- What to do if a cat communicates the desire for a topical application.
Lesson 9
Practical: Working with horses
- Offering nutrients and herbs.
- How to offer essential oils to horses.
Looking at which oils stop windsucking - behavioural, gut or pain remedie. Join me to find out why these horses constantly windsuck , and what can we learn from their selections.
Lesson 10
Advanced: Working with subtle signs
- The vet at the shelter in France was curious to know if this dog would selected remedies for IBS or tumours.
- Since essential oil and plant extracts can have several key functions, this video demonstrates how to find out which group the selected oils belonged in, giving us vital information.
- How not to flood the room with an aroma.
- Sometimes a loose lead is needed to prevent wandering off, once the the dog is engaged in the remedies a lead will not be required.
- Working with dogs that appear not be be responding to essential oils.
Lesson 11
Advanced: Working with fearful dogs
Working with a dog with extreme fear and trauma in a rescue centre in France
Lesson 12
Working with a dog that eats everything
- A dog that eats everything doesn’t always signify that they are greedy. They may be needing gut or liver support.
- Lean how we discovered that Millie’s main focus was on remedies to support her digestive system to settle her apparent 'hunger', more than remedies for her chronic leg issue.
Lesson 13
Volatility and Dilution
The importance of understanding volatility and how it influences offering essential oils, to various breeds and species.
When and when not to dilute essential oils and what to dilute them in.
Video tutorial and test: Recommended 1 hour minimum study time.
Lesson 14
Why would an animal potentially select a poisonous plant?
- Why dogs, cats and horses may select potentially harmful substances, from house plants to grapes, to chocolate to ragwort.
- How climate change is affecting plant chemistry, in some otherwise safe plants.
Video tutorial, notes and test: Recommended, 1 to 2 hours minimum study time.
Lesson 15
Learn how to break through misinformation.
Learn how to find reliable sources.
Let go of old long-standing outdated beliefs to make room for new information.
Video tutorial and test: Recommended 1 hour minimum study time.
Lesson 16
Safety and Care
- Plant extract safety
- Pregnancy
- What to do if an animal is on veterinary medications
- Looking after plant extracts
- The importance of quality
Video tutorial, notes and test: Recommended 1 hour minimum study time.
Ingraham Community
Join in with other Ingraham Masterclass students
The Ingraham Online Masterclass Facebook community page is a place where you can meet other Masterclass students. It would be lovely to see you there, where you can share stories and meet like-minded people in a safe and friendly environment. This site is only focused on self-medication relating to the online masterclasses and your experiences.
The Ingraham Self-Medication Research App. (optional extra)
If you are a Masterclass student and you would like to create a subscription to the Ingraham App, please send your request to us via an email ([email protected]).
- View remedies recommended for certain conditions
- Quick search for details on a particular remedy to help you when deciding which remedies to offer, and how to safely use them
- The app allows you to record notes and photos about your animal, remedies offered and responses, so you have the information available to view again as a future reminder
- A chart to compare remedies offered, and selected across all of the sessions with your animal
- If you would like to include the app with this module, please send an email to the office: [email protected] and we will send you full details
Student subscription rate: £5.00/month (UK) or £30.00/6 months for overseas students. You will be billed separately for this.
App Review
"I must say how impressed I am with the new app. Intuitive in its use, it is really well designed and packed full of information. In fact its like carrying both your books in miniature! I especially like the way you can search by condition or by remedy. I am already using it and it will be my constant companion." Julia C
It is lovely to again experience the passion and desire to help animals that made me study veterinary medicine in the first place. You are a brilliant teacher. I have rarely come across someone with so much knowledge and experience managing to keep their own ego out of the subject and offering pure support and encouragement. Kathrin
I am so very grateful for receiving all your wise lessons, Caroline. It has been an amazing journey for me to be part of and it is so great to be able to introduce this great method in my work as a naturopathic therapist and create independence and to give each animal a voice and choice. I am looking forward to develop Myself further in this method and to contribute my stent to a more beautiful and healthier animal world. I will work hard to put self-medication on the map in the Netherlands. Thank you so much :) Greetings, Corine P
I have absolutely LOVED the learning journey. Thank you so much for a beautifully crafted learning experience, and to Caroline for so kindly sharing her amazing knowledge to help us help more animals. The structure and content of the course is first class. I feel empowered with more knowledge and understanding, and look forward to continuing the self medication journey. Such an honour.
Thank you so much, Tracey Bird
The course is very informative, I enjoyed the whole journey of learning and seeing all the amazing results as well as knowing how everything is connected and working together, it makes such perfect sense. Will definitely go through the course a second and more time, there are so much to take in!I’ll re-visit all the knowledge and practice before I’m ready to go on to the professional course. Thank you Caroline and Martin so so so much for putting all these together, I can’t imagine how many pets and their owners have and will benefit from the knowledge and skills you provide! Zheng H
Wow so now I can start from the beginning :) I love this training and even more I love to see self medication in practice. I always say to my clients that this is the art. To observe, listen and try to offer what the animal is needing and step back when the session is over. This training helped me to understand my intuition and communication with animals, showed me how to be even more respectful and gentle towards all animals. Thank you Caroline, very very inspiring what you have done and what you are doing. Laura Piovarciova.
I’ve never known a course to bring such joy and continued amazement, thank you so much! Each lesson unfolds so many elements with such deep learning….forever grateful for you sharing so much knowledge. Christine Price.
When the student is ready, the teacher appears. This course has helped me to trust my dog knows what she needs. Lauren Franciosi
Ethical delivery of teaching: Sustainable and eco-friendly training with Caroline Ingraham: Providing the highest quality training by the founder of this field, with care and respect to the environment by reducing the carbon footprint of both the teacher and students.
Module 1 course duration: 3 years from date of purchase
Module 2 course duration: 3 years from date of purchase
Modules 1 and 2 enable you to work safely and effectively with your own animals and gives a thorough grounding in the subject. Module 3 offers a professional qualification.
Course content
Please note the all modules/content at all levels are subject to change without notification as the course is an ever evolving training and we wish to bring you the very best experience.
Refund policy for all courses
Provided you have not accessed the online lessons, you have a 14 day cooling off period after purchase during which time if you change your mind, we will issue a full refund. After this date no refund can be given.