Module 3: IMIM Canine Professional Diploma Training
Length of training: 12 months: The 2025 diploma is the last for a while as Caroline will be focusing on further development, research and field work in self-medication.
Start date: End of January 2025 (TBC)
Applications open: 23rd October 2024/ Closing date for applications: 1st December 2024
Applicants must have successfully completed Masterclass Modules 1 and 2 before the start date of the diploma training.
Cost of 12 month Diploma training: £1350.00
Cost of Diploma exam: £495.00 (not payable until after the completion of the course)
It is recommended that you have experience working around dogs of different breeds and temperaments such as behaviourists, groomers etc, and that you have access to, and the ability to work with, different dogs in the individual training practice and case studies.
"I am constantly inspired by your unwavering passion for your life’s work and to see the truly individualised approach in action for each and every case. I guess it’s not called IMIM for nothing! Your patience, calm manner, and acute art of subtle observation is to be wondered at, especially since the one to ones were such a marathon in terms of time, commitment and mental concentration.
What a learning experience and what a role model, thank you Caroline! I hope we all turn out to be model practitioners and do you proud! With best wishes, Julia Cardy" Student, now IMIM Graduate Practitioner
Course Structure
Individual Training Practice (ITP):
Around 60 hours of live practicals
The first session:
You will schedule an online Zoom session with Caroline, where she will guide you through working with a dog in need of support. This could be your own dog or one belonging to someone else. An online booking form will be provided for scheduling your session, which must be completed within the first three months of the course.
Each session will be strictly two hours long, and if time allows, questions from observing students will be addressed.
At this stage, it is recommended to avoid highly challenging cases such as reactive dogs or those from puppy farms. The primary aim of this session is to enhance and develop your practical skills. Other diploma students will have the opportunity to watch these sessions live, or they can view the recordings as part of the online resource library for all Masterclass Diploma students to learn from. It is required that students watch at least 50% of the live sessions. If you are unable to attend any of the remaining live sessions, you will need to submit a written review after watching the recording.
Second session:
After Part 1, all students will be required to record a practical 1-hour session, which will then be reviewed live online. Caroline will provide feedback and guidance. All diploma students can either watch the session review live or access the recording in the library. All students must watch at least 50% of the live review sessions. If you are unable to attend any of the remaining live sessions, you will need to submit a written review after watching the recording.

Live Discussion Clinics
We aim to schedule eight live discussion clinics throughout the training (timing and dates will be published on the website). Each session will focus on a specific aspect of the IMIM approach to Applied Zoopharmacognosy. Sessions will last between one to one and a half hours. To accommodate different time zones, session start times may vary. All discussion clinics will be recorded and made available on the diploma website for viewing, for a period of one month after the session.

Practical Case studies
Students will need to work on 5 different dogs throughout the year. Each dog will need an issue requiring help. Details can be logged on the Ingraham App, or written in a chart format. This work is for your own experience. It will not be graded, but Caroline will need to see your work. It is expected that you will need to allow 4 hours per dog and that this will include follow-on sessions. Case studies must be completed within 11 months of the start of the training but not begun until after Part 1 of the ITP.
You can work with your cases in whatever way works best for you (ie in person or remotely via zoom). They do not need to be video-recorded.
If you need any support with a case, it is recommended that you book in with your client and their dog for a private session via zoom.

Written Homework:
Masterclass Module 1 Review
In this important homework you must submit a written review of each of the 16 Masterclasses in Module 1 to summarise the main points you have learnt. The review should be concise and kept to between 200 to 400 words per lesson and must be submitted as a PDF file within the first 6 months of the course.
For students with English as a foreign language please let us know if you need a longer time to complete this homework.
Deadline for 2025 Diploma class: 31st July 2025.

Practical Lesson: Behaviour and Pain
'Recognising and working with musculoskeletal/ nerve pain'
Caroline will take you through a recorded practical session of how to work with a dog with misplaced behaviours due to pain that was not easily recognized.

Private tuition: Individual support if needed
This will be available to all IMIM Diploma students if you are struggling with a difficult case. Session times available are 30 minutes, 45 minutes, or 60 minutes. If suitable any of these sessions may also be used in the diploma student library or used in any other way for other educational purposes.
Available at a 30% discount off Caroline’s standard consultation rate.

Included extras:
Student resource library
Dedicated IMIM Diploma Facebook 2025 page for diploma students.
Graduate Practitioners will be added to the IMIM practitioner list and have continued access to a dedicated Facebook page for the 2025 class.

Required items for the IMIM Diploma
that are not included in the cost of the diploma training
Ingraham Core Kit and Canine Add-on-kit (https://www.ingrahamshop.com/collections/ingraham-kits)
Book: Help your dog heal itself 3rd edition (https://www.ingrahamshop.com/products/help-your-dog-heal-itself)
Book: Animal Self-Medication (optional)
*Animal Self-Medication* is currently out of print as it undergoes a comprehensive rewrite to incorporate the latest research and advancements in the field. As our understanding has evolved, new discoveries have emerged, which will be reflected in the updated edition, providing fresh insights and practical applications.
This revised version will feature expanded sections, recent case studies, and the latest research to ensure it remains a comprehensive resource for supporting animals through their innate self-medication practices. We are excited to bring this enhanced edition to you, confident that it will offer even greater clarity and guidance on this transformative subject.
We will keep you informed about the release date, and we appreciate your patience as we work to make this new edition as valuable and informative as possible.
Ingraham App (optional)
If you wish to keep an electronic record of your case studies you might like to subscribe to the Ingraham app, which also offers a quick reference guide to most of the remedies used in Applied Zoopharmacognosy and Animal Self-Medication. Cost £7/month. Please email us if you are interested in a subscription: [email protected]

For those seeking to take the exams, this will need to be booked within 6 months after the 12-month training: fee applies
A booking form will be made available at the end of the course for you to reserve your exam and place in the schedule with Caroline.
Similar to ITP Part 2, You will need to show a recorded zoom session/ or recorded in person practical, working with a dog you have not previously worked.
In this recording you will be expected to guide the owner/ carer/ guardian in the same way that Caroline will be guiding you in the ITP's you will have with her. The dog will be expected to have either a behavioural or physical issue. The recording must be of a good quality and show the offering of remedies and the dog's responses. Caroline will need to see eyes, breathing responses (nose and lungs). You will be asked questions relating to the session and your methodology.
Allow 2 to 3 hours for this review.
If you find the English language difficult and we will try and find a solution for you.
The exam will be graded as either a pass or a retake.
For those not wishing to sit the exam, you can still apply for a certificate of completion once all coursework is successfully completed. However, please note that this certificate will not provide professional insurance or cover to work with other people's dogs.

Please read before applying for a place on the diploma training
i) For students outside of the United Kingdom, please make sure you are aware of any legal restrictions regarding the use of plant extracts with animals in your own country, as we are only able to advise how the law currently stands for those practicing in the United Kingdom.
ii) Please note that professional insurance available via Balens is only available to graduates in the following countries: United Kingdom, Republic of Ireland and The Netherlands. For all other countries you will need to secure your own insurance cover for professional practice. We are however aware of a separate professional insurance covering practice in Australasia.
iii) This is an ever evolving subject and the course material may be adjusted at any time, without notice to provide the highest level of experience and training. Although we always endeavour to hold given dates in the schedule, course dates may be subject to change, but we will always endeavour to provide as much notice as possible should this occur.
iv) All course material (in any format), is legal copyright of Caroline Ingraham